Representation Lester is represented as a submissive and pathetic person, this is shown through his hunched over posture and the way he always obeys to whatever his wife tells him to do. This is the complete opposite to his wife who is a very loud and tumultuous person. She is seen as the master at the table whereas it would usually be the father of the family. However, she has to be quite caring as she took a lot of time preparing a big meal for her family. Then there is Jane, who seems to be the most collected out of all the family, even though she is stereotypical confused and delusional teenager. Mise En Scene The mise en scene in this scene from American Beauty is used to express the personalities of the family. For instance, Lester is wearing very bland clothes, much like the interior of the house, which shows that his life is boring and repetitive. It could also show that he blends in with the house as if he is not there, which would make sense as he stated at th...
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