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Showing posts from April, 2018

Representation: Using stereotypes to create meaning for audiences.

Find a selection of newspaper front pages that depict her and decide how she is being represented using stereotypes relating to masculine and feminine stereotypes. Outline these on your blog with some explanation. Can you use any of the ideas and academic arguments in your analysis?

Refugee crisis analysis

               Source A                                                                                        Source B To what extent do the elements of media language used in Sources A and B convey different values, attitudes and beliefs about the world?  In your answer you must: Analyse the ways in which media language has been used in combination in sources A and B to convey values, attitudes and beliefs about the world Refer to relevant contexts and academic ideas and arguments in your analysis Draw judgements and conclusions in relation to the question The Daily Mail (source A) have used many extreme language choices when creating this newspaper cover. To start with they use the word ...

Revision: Newspapers and Political Bias

The Mail mainly has a conservative based political stance. This can be seen through the over the top language used like 'backlash' and 'blitz'. This is also emphasized with the bright red explosive picture. The phrase 'mission accomplished' is positive and shows that something good has been done. The Independent is an objective magazine and therefore has no particular political stance. This is shown through the headline which is just clearly stating facts. They also have not used any visual images relating to the main storyline, as it could suggest a different viewpoint on that story. The newspaper features other plugs to other stories unlike The Mail whose main focus is the Syrian bombing story.